CitiusTech Blog

Consumers Like It Fast: BI-Clinical Delivers on Performance

Written by Anuj Gupta | Feb 16, 2018 3:29:00 PM

Consumers today expect technology to not only be fast, but readily available and intuitive as well. With smart phones, tablets and other everyday technologies, consumers have become accustomed to searching for and finding what they need instantly. Just 10 years ago, people accepted that software might take a little time to answer a question or run some calculations or even move to another screen. For example, according to a recent report, in 2006, the average online shopper expected pages to load in four seconds or less. Today, one out of five expect pages to load instantly while 49 percent expect load times of two seconds or less.

What’s more, consumer expectations are often exaggerated by their perceptions – or misconceptions. According to the same study, people perceive load times as 15 percent slower than the clock reveals. This perception of slowness adds pressure to architects, engineers and developers to achieve speeds that often conflict with the demand of the task. Continuous advancements in technology have reset consumer expectations so there is no longer an allowance for this trade-off between speed and task complexity. Consumers now demand both instant and accurate results.

BI-Clinical Answers the Call in Healthcare

As better data sharing between payers and providers, and the demands of reporting, such as HEDIS, MIPS, and MACRA increase, migrating rules engines to a high-performance, database-agnostic engine is a game-changer. With this approach, organizations can adjust to changing business requirements on the fly and run ad hoc analytics, which require massive amounts of behind-the-scenes computational power. The ability to scale up and down without having to wait – while providing an outstanding user experience – requires expert design, power and architectural framework.

CitiusTech’s BI-Clinical rules engine answers the call. The computational and processing capabilities of this Java-based engine meet seemingly impossible consumer demands by processing huge volumes of data with the utmost accuracy.

Speed Results from Agnostic Architecture

By taking advantage of Java, the rules engine delivers speed and turnaround from as low as milliseconds up to only one second. It takes approx. 1.3 hours to process 119 quality measures and 500,000 patient records amounting to 1 million visits. This means that for a single patient, the output of real-time processing for multiple measures happens within milliseconds.

At the same time, the benefits of being database agnostic cannot be underestimated. This means different types of organizations – payer, provider, medical technology – can easily take advantage of the rules engine to provide the horsepower needed for their specific analytics and reporting needs. Because organizations rely on many commonly used databases, such as SQL, PDA, Redshift, and others, rules engines that are dependent upon a certain database environment will not survive.

The BI-Clinical Java-Based Rules Engine brings together the key capabilities users have come to expect: an easy-to-use experience, speed, flexibility and the power to deliver accurate results within milliseconds even for massive amounts of data.

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Reference: Everts, Tammy - Time is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2016. Ibid.