CitiusTech Blog

Meaningful Use Stage 2: Driving Continuous Quality Improvement through Effective Performance Management and Actionable Intelligence

Written by CitiusTech Meaningful Use Team | Jul 12, 2012 8:03:00 PM

The focus on improving quality of care has increased manifold over the past couple of years with multiple federal and state regulations mandating clinical quality measurement and reporting, making it a national priority. MU Stage 2 proposes to take this health outcomes priority to the next level in ensuring care providers are encouraged to implement systems and processes to implement a full circle of performance management right from identification of improvement areas, monitoring performance based on the right set of evidence-based clinical guidelines, reporting on performance metrics and using the feedback to ensure continuous quality improvement.

As quality guidelines become more and more stringent, as the library of care guidelines grows and as the circle of accountability evolves from individual patients to population health, healthcare organizations are faced with multiple challenges - identifying the right use cases for effective quality improvement across patients and populations at large as well as implementing high-performance, scalable, interoperable and highly usable business intelligence systems for quality measurement, performance analytics and actionable intelligence.

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