CitiusTech Knowledge Hub

1000 results found

Case Study

Machine Learning Model for Improving Auto Adjudication Rates for Large Provider

Sponsored, partnered, Artificial, Intelligence, auto-adjudication


CitiusTech Listed in India™s Best Companies to Work for in IT, 2016

India's Best Companies, Work in IT & ITeS, 2016, amongst Adobe, Google


Challenges and Opportunities Around Integration of Clinical Trials Data

IT, professionals, understand, data, integration


BI-Clinical Rules Management Module (RMM)

solution, configure, audit, CQMs, cohorts


Does a Healthy Population Mean a Healthy Bottom Line?

Developing, technology, population, health

Case Study

AWS Cloud Platform for Device Analytics and Population Health

leading, medical devices, AWS, platform, population, health


CitiusTech to Showcase Next-Generation Healthcare Technology at HIMSS 2016

wide range, cutting-edge, healthcare technology, 2016 HIMSS, AnalytiX


Speeding up Healthcare Application with HTTP/2

HTTP, protocol, improving, perceived, latency